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Boycott the World Cup in Qatar

Sun. 20 Nov. 2022 - Sun. 18 Dec. 2022

The World Cup in Qatar is an ecological aberration. 

Asking "Why boycott the World Cup in Qatar?" is a very bad question. The question should be "For what reasons, despite the evidence of corruption, the deaths, the social and ecological horror, do you think this football World Cup should go ahead?". Too few people seem shocked that millionaires would travel thousands of miles to run over dead bodies.


Justifying the unjustifiable: claiming to be carbon neutral when you know that at least 90% of the carbon footprint of a similar event is related to spectators, 75% of which is carried by air travel.

If we all tweet together we will create the biggest information campaign about a fundamentally anti-ecological regime and policy.

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Raise your voice through a number


What is this number ? The number of shame

Qatar: behind "carbon neutrality", the World Cup of "greenwashing" In June 2021, a Fifa report indicated that the 2022 World Cup would produce up to 3.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. By comparison, France releases about 4.2 million tonnes each year. The 2018 World Cup in Russia generated 2.1 million tonnes of CO2. And yet, according to several NGOs, this number is underestimated because it does not take into account the construction of air-conditioned stadiums in the middle of the desert.

LET'S RISE UP: on Saturday 20 November, for the official launch of the competition, let's take to the streets and raise our phones to the sky with this number to denounce it!


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